Thursday, December 01, 2005


Blobs of paint quench my tongue’s thirst for vibrancy
And yet I am thirsty from within
Craving for the smell of the paint, scent of flavoured dreams
I saw sorrow trapped in a bubble
I felt happiness as if wrapped in a scream
The day I will feel them rubbing against my skin
The day the colour from my veins will stream
I wait for the day when with drops of colour my canvas will beam


Blogger Φ said...

The day is today, you had painted it so well. You are that smelling paint, thoughts your had made all possible strokes..some dry..some still wet..go on hang them dry, theres no tomorrow..

..always nice to read you Ju, you keep me captivated. You have so many colors in your dream that you wouldn run of it, keep weaving them one by one..

i liked this very much "Sorrow trapped in a bubble.." :)

8:45 AM

Blogger Juhi Dua said...

thanks fish for being so encouraging always!

11:11 PM

Blogger Φ said...

hey my pleasure..

btw am Vinod

1:01 AM

Blogger madhavan said...

Make your happiness scream
Let colour from veins stream
Burst the bubble, let sorrow out
Flavour with multiscents the dream
Slake your thirst
Sing write paint, start anew
What's stopping you?

10:00 AM

Blogger Foot In The Mouth said...

methinks thou needest painting supplies...nothing keeps u from painting but ur own laziness...and possibly a submariner ;-)


9:27 PM

Blogger Innocent Bullet said...

I just read the poem on Fish's blog and then I tumble here on yours and this poem almost reads like a rejoinder to his. Lovely Poem!



6:53 AM


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