Thursday, February 09, 2006

Breaking Away

Washing pretensions in a washing machine
I learnt how difficult it was to maintain the sheen
Pretensions bled and coloured each other
A riot broke between treachery, excuse, shame and other such brothers

Pockets made up of guilt tore open
Buttons tangled with each other and created a din
Even as I held my ears you shot at me a volley of questions
Why couldn’t I stay pretty clad in those pretensions?

Vultures of thoughts pecked on my heart
The mere touch of their beaks tore my skin
I lay opened but refused your cloak of pretensions
In their pecking routine I find soothing music of reason

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


On the ladder of silence
Pauses sleep
Wrapped in your and my dreams
Sometimes shaken by the whiff of screams

Over some sugarless coffee
We try to eavesdrop on what pauses speak
We try and embed words
But our tongues slip on the ladder of silence

Friday, February 03, 2006

Reality trapped in unrealistic walls

Thoughts simmered on the kitchen stove
Silence slept in my bed
Smiles sparkled on the black sky
On the waves of words I surfed

My world was a set of walls
Some made of pure paint, some a collage of words
Then someone told me colours could fade, words could smell bad
I lived nevertheless freed within the same walls
Dreams will carve out and fend for themselves when the bubble will burst