Saturday, April 23, 2005


I loved
and then branched my love
into two solitudes
and lived both
with differing latitudes

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I want to open my heart
And clean its insides of boredom

I want to infuse colour
In every fragment that makes me
I want to colour my whole existence

Delirium or frenzy
I want to be rid of all feelings
Stitch or paste
I want to close all wounds

Sunday, April 17, 2005


I wiped away love
Like dust settled on the surface
But some of it seeped in
Settling in deep crevices

Years will pass
And those particles of love will become dormant
Odorless yet inseparable
Invisible to others

And then I will celebrate its maturity
The mark of its reaching puberty

Thursday, April 14, 2005


Uncertainty is difficult to wipe
It certainly isn’t naïve
It creeps in everywhere
Even in your eyes and mine

Sunday, April 10, 2005


A route to a different world
A wall laid on a body alive

Punishment of being a woman
A veil to cover unreasonable shame…

Or like they say
The earth piled on coffins
Holding bodies forced to die

Friday, April 08, 2005


I learnt from the ghosts of the city
The dance that they danced in the middle of the night
Then I murdered my dancing masters
And swayed on the star lit center stage
Waiting again for the hours of light

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

dreams in the city of dreams

Vacant looks
Crowded portfolio case
An eclectic race

Dreams are stashed
In beautiful colored glass jars here
That looks ravishing
But are trapped nevertheless

Monday, April 04, 2005


Reasoning with reason
Battling with logic
I float on the waves of euphoria

The pestilential little animals
Exhaust my paltry store of felicity

I grovel in the dust of million years
As my comfortably numb mind
Asks the sky, the golden question-

Two eluding hands transport me –
The untamed child of the mother earth
To a faraway forbidden land
But even here I can sense your smell

Sunday, April 03, 2005

for future use

I have bottled my emotions
And kept them in the sun
To ferment

About ten years from now
They will smell delicious
And taste amazing

Saturday, April 02, 2005

illusory fragments of one dream

We are illusory fragments of one dream

Our separateness- a great illusion
Creates fear and pain

I long for you
Clinging on the vapors of clear lies and unclear truths…
Lost in the murkiness of my beautiful dreams

I could sell concern and buy laughter
I could trade sorrow for feelings a tone softer…
And yet on the fair ground of emotions
I waft around like a smell…
Hammering the silence within me
To derive sense…

My urges circulate on the fair ground
Looking for a façade of crystal truths
My body walks out on the shadow
To sell its own identity

Dreams are not water
Then why did they flow out of my hands
Leaving a stale feeling of wetness…
Dreams are priceless
And yet
You and I are here to shop for them

Night bent down and wallowed
Tears of glass streamed down my face
Our separateness- a great illusion
Creates fear and pain

Friday, April 01, 2005

kohl clad eyes

Traces of kajal beautifully marked the eyes
No she wasn’t dead
She was still alive.

Alive to haunt
Those who knew her
With her eyes.

She had everything
She had life.
Then why did she?
Whether trouble or strife…

Those who don’t…
Pray for it
To stay.
She had everything…
She had life.

Beautiful green spread outside
I don’t want to leave it
I don’t want to die
The blue of the fleecy clouds
I like it
But I don’t want to go there
To reside

No, I am not allowed to shop for life
No, I am not allowed to ask for its price
No, I am not allowed to slice it alive
She broke the rules…
Strange rules of life.

She had everything…
She had life.

She had beautiful kohl clad eyes.